🎯 Purpose

In 1-2 sentences, explain the purpose of this document. For example:

This SOP will explain the different pathways for support escalations. By using these pathways, we can ensure our team works efficiently and customers get prompt resolutions.

Escalation pathways

Add your escalation pathways, such as:

👥 Direct team member to Senior Support Rep (Tier 1)

<aside> ⚠️ When to use: Direct team members should escalate to the Senior Support reps in the following situations:


👥 Senior Support Rep to Support Manager (Tier 2)

<aside> ⚠️ When to use: Senior Support Reps should escalate to Support Managers in the following situations:


In these situations, sending another message to the customer is unnecessary. Simply reassign the ticket to the Support Leadership group, and they will take over.

👥 Support Manager to Business Owner/CEO (Tier 3)