<aside> 💡 Use this template to outline step-by-step instructions for processes or routine procedures in your company.


🏹 Purpose

In 1-2 sentences, explain the purpose of this activity, project, or procedure. If this procedure has recently been updated or created, you can explain why here.

🎯 Objective

In 1-2 sentences, explain the output or what you hope to accomplish by doing this activity, project, or procedure.

🔍 Scope

In 1-2 sentences, explain the boundaries or limitations for this activity, project, or procedure.

👥 Roles and Responsibilities

Tag the individuals involved in completing this project or routine operation.

Role Responsibilities Notes

📖 Definitions and Acronyms

Optional section for more complex processes that need a glossary.

Term or Acronym Definition or Meaning
Insert term here So the reader understands the term or acronym

🛠️ Tools and Equipment

List tools and equipment needed to get the job done. For software, include logins and resources on how to use the tool.

Process Step by Step

Optional section to insert a flow chart for a visual overview of the process.


List step-by-step instructions for completing the process.